Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Letting Go

 It has been almost 17 years since we were married. And not long after I was ready to be a Mom. If you know our family, you know that our oldest will be 9 in two weeks. So needless to say, that whole becoming a Mom thing didn't happen quite as quickly as I was expecting it to. I have wrote many times about our journey to parenthood that looked nothing like we had expected. And while from the outside (and at times from the inside too) it looked like trial after trial, waiting and more waiting. It truly was a more magnificent plan than I could have ever came up with myself. Now I can't fathom a life that didn't include me being mom to my two incredible boys. I thank God every day that He didn't answer my prayers of pregnancy. Because although we always planned to adopt one day,  now I can see that our timing perfectly lead us straight to these boys and their amazing birth moms. Sometimes God is calling us into moving, leading, or taking things on. Other times He is simply calling for us to let go. To stop holding on to whatever it is that is keeping us from trusting Him completely with our futures and circumstances. 

We can always trust Him, friends. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you. Pray for His peace to overtake the anxious situations. And then wait in trust that He will be working in and through you. There is such peace in truly letting go and giving our circumstances over to Him. It isn't always easy, but as we become intentional of taking each anxious thought captive and giving it over to Him, we will find that our minds can slowly learn to trust. Letting go will become more natural each time. And what joy and freedom we will find in walking in faith, knowing our Father is in control. 

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."-2 Corinthians 10:5

Thank you Father, for the beautiful life you have given us! 

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