Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A New Year

There is a major battle that is going on. And it is happening between my ears. And I bet the same is true for you. Every single day, the world, Satan, you name it, are filling our minds with lies and negative thoughts. I knew my negative thoughts were there. I just didn't realize how much they were affecting me. I needed to be reminded of the freedom that is promised through Jesus. And find some practical ways to renew my mind.
I recently read two books that I feel like, go together perfectly! Rhythms of Renewal by Rebekah Lyons and Get Out Of Your Head by Jennie Allen. Friends, I hope you find the time this year to read these books. I promise they are worth your time.
Reading is something that helps me relax and fills my cup. It is one of the things that I noticed I was missing when I was spending entirely too much time staring at my phone screen. So I challenge you to find your joy this year. What is something that brings you joy, that you haven't had the time to do? Maybe you don't have the issue of wasting time scrolling like I struggle with. But if you do, put down your phone and go outside for that walk. Read that book. Paint that picture. Cook a meal together with your family. There is so much freedom and joy to be found when we create things and spend time in community with others.
I want 2020 to be a year of spending my time wisely. Making time to be with others. Time to do things with my family and friends. To love others well, as Jesus would have. To think of others first. To rest and restore my soul. What do you want your time to be filled with in 2020?


Rhythms of Renewal

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Eyes To See The Best

Our last week has had it’s share of tough moments. Some harder than others. In the past I have struggled with letting my anxious or angry thoughts run wild. This tends to result in me struggling to stay motivated or ending up with a full blown, excruciating headache. But I have been working hard to take my worries straight to God. And to rest in the peace that He is always with me, always in control, and loves us beyond what I can understand. And then choosing to intentionally see the best in the world around me. Find that joy. See the blessings. 
I plan to share more soon, about two books that have been life changers for me. But for now, here are some things I found while looking for the beauty & blessing around me. 

Another gorgeous winter sunset, out my back window. And a boy full of joy, enjoying the outdoors.

A loaf of fresh bread baking in the oven, while my little guy waits patiently to taste its goodness!

Celebrating Grandma’s birthday. Spending the day making memories together.

Thank you Lord, for all the little ways you show up each day. Give me eyes to see you all around me. And a grateful heart for all that you provide for me each day. I’m so richly blessed by all the good things you have surrounded me with!