Thursday, April 14, 2011

E-mail from God

One night a couple weeks ago I was laying in bed just spending some time praying. I had been specifically praying for closeness with God and just to always have that longing to know him even greater. I had also been praying as usual for patience and peace as we wait to grow our family. Towards the end of my prayer I prayed again for closeness to God and to remember that each stuggle is part of a bigger plan and that God uses our struggles in many ways. At the end I asked God to speak my heart.
And I am not kidding at all, as I prayed those last words I heard my phone make the noise that lets me know that I have gotten an email. I laughed to myself because my heart jumped when I heard that sound as I asked God to speak to my heart. How silly to think even for an instant that God sends emails! And then I went to sleep...
The next morning I got up and went to check my phone. I looked at the email that I had recieved the night before and it was a link to a post from a blog that I follow written by Kelly Needham. The post was called Unexpected Rope.  You can read it here:
If you just read her post you understand that this was no coincidence. God spoke right to me through her words. Answering the questions and thoughts that I had prayed the night before. Showing me how he uses my pain and struggles to bring me closer to him. It was also a reminder that God works through us, using our struggles and triumphs to help others and glorify him. How amazing is that??