Tuesday, January 30, 2018


We LOVE baseball! And our local team, the Sioux Falls Canaries came to visit our library this summer. Liam was so excited to meet the players and was so excited when he got to see Nico at the next game and tell his new buddy hi. It was also Jeremiah's first game. There is nothing like a night of watching ball. Liam even went out on the field to do the YMCA with a bunch of other kids. It was such a fun night! 

More sweet summer days

Summer time was full of countless hours spent outside. I love fresh air, seeing all the beautiful colors of God's creation, pool parties and frog catching with cousins, and time spent in the yard, and visits from dear friends. I am so anxious for spring to bring back all the beautiful colors of nature. 

July Camping

The Masters family loves to camp. We love being outside, eating smores, and swimming. I know the boys will all treasure these memories as they grow older. 

4th of July

The 4th of July is one of my very favorite times of the year. We usually spend it in Chamberlain on the river. They have an amazing fireworks display each year, that we can see from my parents front yard. This year Jeremiah learned that he really loved corn on the cob over the 4th. 

Sweet Summertime 2017

Nothing says summer like watermelon. And my boys LOVE their watermelon. My sweet and talented friend took these adorable photos for us. I couldn't love them more.